
  • Why You Don't Want To Sign Divorce Papers Without An Attorney

    Going through a divorce can cost a lot of money. One or both of you may have to move out of the home you shared together, you may have bills that you have to pay on your own now, and then there is the cost of filing the divorce papers through the courthouse. Even though that might seem like more than enough financial responsibility to deal with, you still want to make sure that you are hiring a divorce attorney.
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  • Preparing An Effective And Thorough Estate Plan

    The experience of crafting an estate plan for what will happen when you pass away can be confusing but exceedingly important. Some individuals make ineffective plans for their passing or completely fail to do this at all. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid. Account For The Funeral Expenses When You Are Preparing Your Estate Plan When creating the estate plan, accounting for the funeral costs will be a significant consideration.
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  • Hire An Attorney Before You Cross Into The United States

    Are you planning to come to the United States from another country in the near future? If so, you likely have a lot of questions about the immigration process. While it's true that the United States is home to the Statue of Liberty that once greeted immigrants at Ellis Island, today, the U.S. might not be so incredibly welcoming, especially along the U.S.-Mexico border. If you want to ensure that you get into the States, you may want to consider hiring an attorney before you attempt to cross.
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  • 5 Tips To Ensure Maximum Compensation For Your Car Accident Case

    When you've been injured in a car accident and you're pursuing a case against the other driver's insurance company, you deserve to be fully compensated for your injuries and the related pain and suffering. Sadly, many plaintiffs end up settling for an offer that barely covers their expenses. This does not have to be you! You have more control than you might think over the amount of compensation you receive and how the judge rules on your case.
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  • DUI Incarceration Alternatives

    Paying the price for being convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) often depends upon the exact circumstances. You should realize, however, that jail time is a real possibility. Often, those convicted of a DUI are given the opportunity to take an alternate path when it comes to sentencing. Read on to find out about alternatives to incarceration for your DUI charges.  Sentencing Standards for DUI Convictions While there is such a thing as minimum sentencing standards, the state and judges have a great deal of flexibility when it comes to punishing those convicted of a DUI.
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  • How Can Car Accident Lawsuit Representation Services Help Those Who Have Been In Accidents On Th Road?

    Getting into a car accident is bad enough, but dealing with the aftermath of the accident is often even worse. It could leave an individual with serious injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder that makes them fearful of getting back into a car or driving anywhere. Because of the physical and emotional damages that can develop, car accident lawsuit representation services are available. These services are provided to those looking to seek compensation for assorted damages after they have been in a serious accident with another driver as well as for those who are being accused of causing the accident in the first place.
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  • Automatic Drafts And Bankruptcy: Taking Action

    Paying bills by automatic draft is convenient and ensures that we don't forget about them. Unfortunately, the time may come when paying any bill becomes an anxiety-filled chore. When it becomes too much juggle the house payment, credit card bills, grocery money, and more, it may be time to consider filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy. There are some additional considerations when some of your bills are taken automatically from your checking account, so read on to learn more.
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  • Topics To Evaluate Before You Waive Your Right To Spousal Support

    In many divorce cases, the spouse who has a right to spousal support will work hard with his or her attorney to get as much financial support as possible. There are other scenarios, however, in which this partner may waive his or her right to this money. Doing so is a move that you might make for a number of reasons, many of which may be deeply personal to you. However, waiving your right to spousal support isn't a decision that you should take lightly.
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  • What To Talk Over Before Renouncing Citizenship

    Moving to a new nation can be well worth it, especially if you have more opportunities in the new place than you had at home. For some countries, moving and becoming a citizen means that you must give up the prior citizenship that you had in your birth country. If you have gone through receiving citizenship in one country and you now need to renounce your citizenship for back home, you will need to make sure that all of your affairs are in order first.
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  • What Is Actually Covered By Civil Rights Law

    Civil rights law can seem very abstract to people, and folks often struggle with figuring out when a particular case ought to be taken to an attorney who works in the field. Under American law, a civil rights case is one that includes questions about discrimination that allegedly occurred as a result of a victim's race, ethnicity, religious identity, perceived physical or mental disabilities, or age. The main laws that have empowered people to pursue such cases are fairly recent, and they include the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Fair Housing Act, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.
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