
  • 4 Reasons To Hire A Semi-Truck Lawyer After A Wreck

    Many individuals who are involved in semi-truck accidents do live to tell their side of the story. Those who do may have significant injuries that cause suffering indefinitely. If an individual is injured in a trucking accident, they need to know the importance of getting an attorney. Individuals who have injuries that appear to be minor need to consider getting a lawyer too because some injuries may not present themselves until later.
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  • 4 Slip And Fall Injuries That Lead To Personal Injury Cases

    Personal injuries often have serious and devastating consequences. It's very common for slip and fall injuries to result in personal injury cases, which can impact every part of your life. If you are thinking about taking your slip and fall case to court, you might consider hiring a personal injury attorney. These are some of the types of injuries you can receive compensation for in court. Soft Tissue Injuries One reason why people bring their slip and fall cases to court is to address soft tissue injuries.
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  • Calculating The Potential Lost Earnings For Your Wrongful Death Lawsuit

    If you have been talking with a lawyer about filing a wrongful death suit on behalf of a loved one that you have lost, you have probably been discussing the different losses that you are legally able to claim. One of the hardest figures to pin down in a wrongful death claim is the total loss of potential income. Here's a look at some of the things that you need to understand to help you calculate the potential earnings loss from the death of your loved one.
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  • You May Be Able To Dismiss Your Chapter 11 To Receive A PPP Loan

    When you are restructuring your business through bankruptcy, you will not be able to obtain a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan. However, you might discover in the middle of bankruptcy that you will need a PPP loan to be able to save your business. The good news is that courts may dismiss bankruptcies to allow debtors to obtain these types of loans.  How Chapter 11 Works Chapter 11 is referred to as a reorganization bankruptcy.
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  • How Quickly Can You Get Through Bankruptcy?

    The idea of spending a long time going through bankruptcy is something that's hardly appealing to anyone. If you're preparing to file, there's a good chance that you'd like to know how quickly you can get from start to finish. Here are three things a bankruptcy attorney will tell a client about how rapidly they may be able to handle the process. Initial Filings Regardless of the type of bankruptcy you're planning to pursue, the courts like to see filings move quickly.
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  • 5 Signs To Help Executors Recognize A Legally Complex Estate

    Are you an executor of a loved one's will? If so, you probably have a lot of work to do. And while some executors can do the work on their own, complex estates need the help of a lawyer. How can you know whether the estate you are executing is complex or simple? Here are five indicators that it's a complex one.  Complex Estates Have Unusual Assets. Generally, people's estates include things like a primary home, vehicles, bank accounts, and retirement plans.
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  • 3 Important Tips To Keep In Mind About Filing A Long-Term Disability Claim

    If you are disabled and unable to work, or if there is no chance that your physical condition will improve anytime soon, you should file a long-term disability claim. A long-term disability claim gives you access to benefits you can use to support yourself. 1. Submit Your Claim Right Away With a long-term disability, you need to file a claim as soon as possible. You have a small window to file a claim once you know your injury will have a long-term impact on your ability to work.
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  • 5 Ways A Poor Home Sale Contract Could Cause Problems

    If you're not required to hire a real estate attorney for your home purchase or sale, should you still retain one to help with the contracts? The answer is probably yes. Why? While they appear somewhat standard, real estate contracts made by nonprofessionals can be at an even greater risk of failure than most business contracts. Here are some of the most common ways that your contract could cause problems. 
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  • Wrongful Death? 4 Things To Consider Before Filing A Case

    The loss of a loved one for any reason is a life-changing event capable of bringing lasting sorrow. However, when there is a reason to believe that the cause of death could have been prevented, the sorrow can easily transition into a desire to find some type of legal justice for the loss. One way in which this type of justice is often sought is through the filing of a wrongful death lawsuit.
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  • Can You Get House Arrest For Your DUI Charge?

    If you are arrested for driving under the influence, it does not automatically mean you will spend time in jail. Because of the increased jail populations, many offenders whose charge did not include major property or physical damage may have the opportunity to spend their incarceration at home rather than in jail. Here are some things you should need to know: Is it Common to Get House Arrest for a DUI?
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