
  • The Importance Of Having An Attorney When Going Through A Divorce

    For some people, going through a divorce can be the start of an upheaval that impacts every area of their life. You may have to relocate, find someone to care for your children and make a number of other changes that can leave you feeling topsy-turvy. If you're currently in this situation you need to take whatever measures are necessary to ensure that you protect yourself as best as you can.
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  • Tips To Remember When Getting Dressed For A Consultation With Your Lawyer

    If you are going to be meeting with your lawyer soon to talk about your legal case, you could be wondering what you should wear for the occasion. These are a few tips that can help you dress properly for your consultation. You'll Want to Be Comfortable When you head to your lawyer's office, you may have to wait for a few minutes before you are able to meet with him or her.
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  • Suing A Minor That Bullied Your Teenager

    Peer pressure and bullying can make the teenage years one of the most difficult phases to go through in life. If you have a teenager that has become too depressed to continue going to school because he or she was being bullied, you might be able to file a lawsuit. You can also sue if your teen has suffered any physical injuries as a result of the bullying. You will first need to hire a personal injury attorney to find out how to go about getting justice when the bully is a minor.
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  • Could Too Much Caffeine Lead To A DUI Charge? (Apparently, Yes)

    If there is one thing that attorneys probably can't stress enough, it's that driving under the influence of any substance—including legal ones—that affects your ability to drive safely can result in a DUI charge. In a case out of California, caffeine, which is something many people forget is actually considered a drug, has become the focus of a DUI case. If you're someone who chain drinks coffee and has a cup in your hand at all times, this is what you should know.
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  • Discharging Your Debt: When You Have Debt You Can't Pay Back

    When you owe money to a number of creditors, it can be difficult to get out from under the mountain of growing debt. If you owe money to credit cards, this is debt you can get rid of through a bankruptcy filing. Other debt, such as back taxes, must be paid back. You must also make a payment arrangement to pay back child support. If you are getting close to having your wages garnished, it's time that you work with an attorney who can help you get your debt back under control.
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  • Veterans, Need Help With Disability Claims And Appeals?

    It's not easy to get paperwork through Veterans Affairs systems, even if some of the protocols and procedures are in veteran and tax payer best interests. The system needs to prevent fraud, ensure that the right amount of compensation goes to each eligible veteran, and confirm that medical, psychological, and many other forms of transition assistance is available at multiple tiers. To understand what you should be getting and how to break through the sometimes stagnant VA queue, here's a few things to expect and ways a lawyer can help.
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  • Can You Be Charged With Arson If Your Backyard Bonfire Rages Out of Control?

    Arson has been in the headlines lately, particularly with the recent revelation that the deadly and highly destructive wildfires in southeastern Tennessee were the alleged work of two teenagers. While wildfires can result from a number of innocent (or at least non-malicious) human causes, those who are alleged to have deliberately or recklessly started a fire that eventually led to property destruction or loss of life can be charged with felony arson, a serious crime carrying some hefty potential penalties.
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  • 3 Tips For Building Your Portfolio Through Successful Patent Acquisitions

    With more companies recognizing the value of patents as transactional goods, patent acquisition is playing a more prominent role in the development of a solid business portfolio. Investing in the purchase of existing patents can be costly, so you want to ensure that you are making sound purchases. Here are three tips that you can use to help ensure you are investing in the right patents to bolster the strength of your company's patent portfolio in the future.
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  • Avoid These Two Mistakes When Preparing Your Will

    Drafting a will is usually the last thing people want to think about, often because the act serves as an uncomfortable reminder of their mortality. As a result, it's not unusual for people to make mistakes when rushing to prepare their wills, errors that could lead to unfortunate consequences for heirs and other family members. Here are two things you want to avoid doing when writing out your final wishes.
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  • 3 Things To Expect When You Report Sexual Harassment At Work

    Being sexually harassed at the workplace that you have to go to every day is no one's idea of a good time, but that doesn't mean that reporting the harassment is easy or automatic. The truth is, reporting harassment is hard – victims often worry that they won't be believed or that they may be overreacting. Things get even more confusing when you do report the harassment and the result isn't anything like what you may expect to happen.
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