Size Discrimination And Clothing: How To Determine If Your Workplace Is Crossing The Line

Posted on: 17 August 2016

Most workplaces will have rules about what you wear. Some places will require a specific uniform to be purchased, while others will have guidelines about what types of clothes you should purchase and wear to work. If you have been accused of not having followed the dress code, you may get in trouble with management.  If you think that some of the issues that you are dealing with is due to your size and size discrimination, you may need to take further steps.
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3 Tips For Safely Driving Your Truck In The Rain

Posted on: 17 August 2016

While any automobile accident can be deadly if your vehicle slams into another vehicle, person, or piece of property the wrong way, accidents can be even more damaging and deadly when they involve a truck. Add heavy rainfall and a commercial truck to the picture, and you are the driving equivalent of someone running with scissors. If possible, pull your truck over and wait until it stops raining. If pulling over isn't an option, here are some tips to keep you and your truck safe when driving in the rain.
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2 Things You Should Know Before You Post Someone's Bail

Posted on: 31 July 2016

Bailing someone out of jail means you put forth a certain percentage of an overall fee in order to have the arrested person released until their court date. This money is paid to the court system via a bail bondsman and is used as security to ensure that a person will show up for court. If the bail (bond) money is paid and the person shows up for all court appearances, the bail money is returned.
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Know What to Expect If You Are Ever Arrested

Posted on: 15 July 2016

Being arrested for the first time can be very stressful because you do not know what to expect. If you are ever arrested, it is important to know what to do to ensure that you can get out of jail as quickly as possible. The guide below walks you through a few quick tips for ensuring you are able to get out of jail quickly after you are arrested. Save Your Phone Call
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