The Dos And Don'ts Of Filing A Car Accident Claim

Posted on: 13 November 2014

Auto insurance is one of those things that most people pay for but hope they never have to use. If you've recently been in a car accident and were injured as a result, you'll definitely want to file a claim with your insurance company. Depending on your level of coverage, you may be eligible to receive compensation to pay for repairs to your vehicle, medical expenses, and other costs you incurred as a result. Before you file your claim, however, there are some things you need to know.

DO Take Plenty of Pictures

If possible, get plenty of photos of the accident scene from a variety of angles. Specifically, focus on:

  • the scene where the accident occurred
  • any damage done to your vehicle
  • any visible injuries on your body

If you're injured and need to be taken to the hospital, have a friend or family member at the scene take photos for you before you car is towed away. Your car insurance company will need these pictures as evidence when handling your claim.

DO Call Your Agent Immediately

Unless you're injured and need to seek medical attention right away, you should call your agent at the accident scene and let him or her know that you've been involved in an accident. He or she will be able to provide you with guidance in terms of what to do next before filing your claim. If you need to go to the hospital or otherwise can't contact your agent right away, be sure to do so as soon as you're able.

DON'T Sign Any Releases or Waivers

If your insurance company attempts to have you sign a release form or waiver before agreeing to accept your claim, you should seek legal counsel right away. A lot of times, insurance companies will try to take advantage of the fact that you need cash to cover medical expenses or car repairs sooner rather than later; as a result, they'll try to offer you less than what you're entitled to in the hopes that you'll accept it without a second thought. By working with vehicle accident lawyers, you can fight for the settlement you deserve.

Hopefully, you'll never find yourself in a situation where you need to file a car accident claim. However, if you do, be sure to keep in mind this simple list of dos and don'ts to protect your rights down the road.


Child Support Enforcement Secrets: What You Should Know

If your ex was ordered to pay child support as part of your divorce settlement, you have every reason to expect it to be paid on time. If he or she isn't meeting that obligation in a timely manner, you do have some enforcement options. Instead of struggling to get by or finding yourself fighting with your ex about getting the payments you're entitled to, you should reach out to a child support attorney who can help you take the case back to court. Your ex will have to show just cause for why he or she isn't paying or the courts will order them to catch up. I created this site to share what I've learned about child support enforcement over the years. I hope it helps you to understand your rights and the options available to you.

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